False Lights by Gillian Hamer

False Lights by Gillian Hamer Brings Scandinavian-style drama to the North Coast of Wales Gillian is passionate about the Welsh coastline and aspires to put Anglesey on the map –…

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Shell Lady of Margate

Visit the Shell Lady of Margate Sculpture Take a walk along The Harbour Arm in Margate and you will find The iconic ‘Shell Lady’ Statue looking out over the bay.…

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Movie Downhill highlights Wainright’s Coast to Coast walk Four old school friends remind one another why they’ve not caught up in more than 20 years in acclaimed TV commercial director…

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New Wild Swimming

New Edition of Wild Swimming 5 years ago Wild Swimming launched a new trend in swimming outdoors and wild adventures. The long-awaited all-new second edition of Wild Swimming is published…

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10 Famous Ocean Quotes

The ocean has always been a source of fascination and inspiration, reflecting humanity’s longing for adventure, creativity, and meaning. From poets and scientists to artists and adventurers, countless individuals have…

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She Sells Sea Shells..

She Sells Sea Shells “She Sells Sea Shells” one of the most popular tongue twisters in the English language. She sells sea shells by the sea shore.The shells she sells…

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Viking Ship Hugin

Visit the Viking Ship Hugin in Kent The Viking Ship Hugin is a replica of a Viking ship that is on permanent display in Kent. Standing as a striking monument…

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Punch and Judy

How did Punch and Judy get to the seaside? And are they still there? Punch and Judy ‘Professors’ (as they have been known since Victorian times) are shrewd entertainers. They…

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